For The Flexibility, A Must Or A Choice?

It goes without saying that we are living in a rapidly changing and unpredictable era, and our short-term actions and medium-term vision need the necessary flexibility to deal with the volatile business world we live in. Current supply chain disruptions, such as material shortages, container shipping overbooking, increased resin pricing, as well as high staff turnover and lack of qualified individuals in production, may be the most important challenges facing the thermoforming industry in 2022. This situation requires management to take more direct actions to ensure the company's business continuity and competitiveness. In addition, at GTMSMART thermoforming machines, we must act quickly and effectively to minimize the increased machine delivery cycle due to supply chain shortage, which requires maximum organizational flexibility. Flexibility is not only necessary to overcome difficult times and manage contingencies, but also part of GTMSMART's philosophy and strategy when it is applied in the following daily operations: Technology: a flexible method to meet the needs of new customers and specific market needs, and provide rapid customized solutions in time. Collaborative technology with different suitable partners: although some thermoforming machine manufacturers choose to integrate automation and tools vertically or horizontally within their organizations, WM thermoforming machine has decided to establish strong partnerships with different global key suppliers with the same vision, enabling us to respond to different market needs. Suppliers: in order to effectively manage costs and resources and most effectively meet customer needs, the flexibility of our suppliers is becoming more and more important. Our supply chain approach is flexible and adaptable, and can respond to short-term changes in demand. The purpose is to continuously develop and improve over time to best meet market expectations. Customer service: as a global machine supplier, the maximum availability, solution centered approach and required professional skills ensure continuous customer satisfaction. Production: making full use of production flexibility helps to reduce the cost of external factors that may affect the process.